Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Joy of Living

When i was younger, i used to think that life ends at 45 -
That's the time when one would start to age...
That's time when one would suffer all kinds of aches and pains,
So i prayed that i would die at the age of 45! But now that i am more than a year older than 61:
I find that life is still so wonderful and everything's still beautiful,
I go to bed early every night and awake eagerly awaiting the dawn...
And i love life and treasure it all the more as each day passes...

Monday, August 27, 2012

Just taking another look at Life

Oh I recall waiting at a joint -
Full of happy chatty young people,
I remember wondering where each would be,
And what they'd be doing, a year or two away...
For, unlike you happy young people -
I love to just sit in my quiet corner,
And watch the world buzzing around -
On each busy buzzy day, and wonder...
But now I've stopped wondering -
I know the answer: that Life is transient, and tomorrow might not be ours...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Making memories

I remember how dad used to do it -
Bring the family on picnics most weekends...
Hiring his friend's station wagon -
Bringing the whole brood for a dip in the sea...
I remember how I took over the task -
As the children were growing up...
We would all look forward to the school breaks -
To go on picnics, to camp and to dip in the sea together...
 There's a joy in recalling those nostalgic moments shared -
I just wonder if someone would do it for me one day...

Sharing your life

I'ld love to share your life,
I surely would -
The things that you love, the things that you do...
I'ld love to love the people that you love - And would love to meet those that you care for...
 For loving you means loving everything that is part of you -
Loving you means feeling blue whenever you are blue...
Taking pride in sharing your knowledge and your skills -
And finding out and learning to master those that I don't know...
Loving you is to be there for you, in times of trouble or loneliness -
In sickness or in health - if ever and whenever you need me...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

If you can't beat them, DON'T join them!

If you are sick  - don't sit around and mope, If you feel your muscles ache - don't push off the mop...
If you are feeling the blues - don't get the tissue box -
For if you give in to your moods -
You'll feel like wallowing in self-pity forever...
If you feel stiffness in your muscles -
You'll want to laze longer than you should... So, rest if you must, my dear friend -
But it would be better to laugh in the sunshine...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Yesterday is past, today is reality, tomorrow is a mystery..."

Yesterday is past - we can't change it - Tomorrow is a mystery we can't predict... But today, is here and real - so live it -
For we won't be able to feel it once tomorrow comes...
Like many, I've gone through bitter yesterdays -
I won't harp on them coz they are past and gone...
And I can't just sit and wait to live for tomorrow -
Coz I might not be around to solve that mystery tomorrow...
 So I'll just live through today as it comes - And leave tomorrow to take care of itself...

Looking at life from both sides now

When we are happy - 
Life seems like a bed of roses...
When we are healthy -
Life seems so detached from hospital beds... But when we are down or in trouble -
Life seems to be so tedious a job to get through...
When our health seems to be in the red - Life seems to take a totally different turn... For suddenly life seems so precious -
How could we have treated something so fragile so carelessly...?